: Heildsala

🌱Leikföngin frá Bajo eru 100% umhverfisvæn og þau eru hönnuð og þróuð samkvæmt Montessori hugmynda- og uppeldisfræðinni 🧠. Þau eru því frábær fyrir allskonar þroskandi leiki og færa börnin nær náttúrunni.

Catalogue 2023 - https://www.bajo.eu/download/catalogBAJO.pdf

Bajo's beautiful wooden toys have been designed and manufactured in Poland over the last 30 years. These top notch toys are wonderfully tactile and will inspire imaginative play and learning. The manufacturing process is green from start to finish - sustainable wood from beech, birch, sycamore, acacia, cherry, walnut and plum trees is sourced from carefully managed forests in Poland.  Skilled crafters transform the wood into toys that are treated with eco, non-toxic paints and oils, and waste wood is turned into fuel briquettes. Bajo toys are great for open-ended play and will be treasured by children for years before being passed on to new generations to be enjoyed all over again.

Okkur langar að kynna vinsæla merkið okkar MAYLILY.

Maylily er lúxus merki sem framleiðir mjög vandaðar vörur fyrir yngstu börnin úr silkimjúku bambusefni og merino ull og var fyrsta vörumerkið í vefversluninni okkar þegar við opnuðum 2020.
Við bjóðum upp á mikið úrval af dásamlegum vörum frá Maylily - handklæði, poncho, smekkir, teppi, taubleyjur, swaddles, sokkar, húfur, ungbarnahreiður, koddar og sængur, handprjónuð sett, svefnpokar, allt úr uppáhalds bambusefninu okkar og merino ull.

Hægt er að skoða allt úrvalið hér - https://maylily.pl/en

Rabbit & Friends is creating extraordinary collections of lamps for children and their parents. These lights not only provide a friendly illumination for a child's room but also serve as a tender companion before bedtime and during the night. The products are characterized by simple shapes, modern the Scandinavian design, functionality and attention to every detail.

Lamps by Rabbit & Friends are carefully crafted, durable, and resistant to damage. They have no sharp edges and do not heat up thanks to LED technology. Made of high-quality, certified, BPA-free silicone. Prioritizing user safety, they've undergone a series of tests and meet the standards outlined in CE and RoHS certificates. This assures parents that they are using a product of the highest quality. Thanks to Rabbit & Friends lamps, every children will feel safe and fall asleep happy.

Catalogue 2023 - Rabbit&Friends catalogue 2023


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