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Nátturulegur Leir úr bývaxi (6 litir)


Nátturulegur Leir úr bývaxi (6 litir)

3.450 ISK
3.450 ISK
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Beewax Modeling Clay (6 colors)

Discover the beauty of creativity with 100% natural beeswax modeling clay. Crafted from pure beeswax, this eco-friendly and pliable clay offers a smooth texture and most importantly - it never dries out!

Experience the lasting supple texture of our clay, warmed by hand heat and sustained by a beeswax base. Unlike traditional water-based clay, it remains soft, reusable, and enduring.

Natural & Safe 

Crafted from 100% natural ingredients, including European beeswax and organic pigments, Medenka beeswax clay is a safe choice for creative endeavors. 

Fosters Creativity and Motor Skills:

Beeswax modeling clay sparks imagination while enhancing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. A medium where children can unleash their creativity and learn through play.

Vibrant Playtime Enjoyment:

Discover the joy of colorful play with our set of six rectangular dough blocks, easily mixable and perfect for molding. The comfortable feel enhances the overall creative experience.

Environmentally Friendly and Handmade:

Each block of our clay is handmade in Europe from biodegradable materials. Sourced from a traditional beekeeping company in Slovenia, our beeswax is free from pesticides or antibiotics, ensuring an eco-friendly product.

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  • Hröð heimsending

    Við gerum okkar besta til að koma öllum sendingum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til skila og landsbyggðarpöntunum í póst eða hafa pantanir tilbúnar til afhendingar innan 24 klukkustunda frá pöntun.

  • Fair Trade

    Það er okkur mikilvægt að vita hvaðan vörurnar okkar koma. Við erum stolt af því að bjóða barnavörur og fatnað frá fyrirtækjum sem starfa samkvæmt góðum siðferðislegum gildum. Verslun okkar býður upp á vandaðar vörur sem allar eru hannaðar og framleiddar í Evrópu.