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Blautþurrkubox með hita - Neno Calor

Blautþurrkubox með hita - Neno Calor

13.950 ISK
13.950 ISK
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Blautþurrkubox með hita - Neno Calor

This is an electronic baby wet wipe warmer that operates at up to three heat levels. So you can adjust the temperature to the type of care you are serving your baby. The wipe warmer is equipped with a comfortable and pleasant to use touch panel and an anti-slip base. So you don’t have to worry that your little one will knock the container down during bath time. The device can hold up to 150 pieces of baby wipes.

CA warm wipe is better than a cold one! Neno Calor warmer makes diaper changes a pleasure for your baby. Just click and set one of 3 temperatures safe for the health and cleanliness of the baby’s sensitive skin. Neno Calor will make it easy for you to wash your baby’s sensitive areas, and your little one will instantly love the warm, gentle touch of wet wipes.
– Level 1: 30-45 degrees
– Level 2: 40-50 degrees
– Level 3: 45-55 degrees

Neno Calor wet wipes warmer heats up quickly – about 20 minutes. You don’t need to pour water into it, just open the flap of the device, put a pack of wet wipes inside, set the temperature on the panel, and you’re done! Neno Calor will heat the wipes to a safe temperature, so your baby associates changing the nappy with something nice and pleasant

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