Cherry Stone Pillow / Heat Pack - Neno Morello
The Neno Cherry Stone Pillow is a unique product for babies, children and adults that can be used both hot and cold. The product is skin-friendly and is made from natural materials (100% OEKO-TEX certified cotton).
When used as a warm compress, it relieves breast engorgement and facilitates milk flow.
When used as a cold compress, it helps with breast fullness and alleviates uterine contractions. It can also relieve pain and muscle tension caused by infant colic, menstrual cramps, back pain and headaches. It also works well as part of cold therapy to reduce swelling, puffiness and post-traumatic pain.
- Versatile use: Can be used hot or cold. Ideal for babies, children and adults.
- Natural materials: Made from 100% OEKO-TEX certified cotton, filled with cherry pits, free from artificial substances.
- Pain relief: Helps with infant colic, menstrual cramps, back pain, headaches and rheumatism.
- Reduces swelling, puffiness, post-traumatic pain, fever, relieves insect bites.
- Postpartum help: Facilitates milk flow, helps with milk retention and uterine contractions.
- Safe and organic: Environmentally friendly, safe for the skin.
- Easy to heat: Heat in the microwave, oven, warmer (food heater) or on the radiator.
- Cold therapy: Chill in the fridge or freezer.
The Neno Cherry Pit Pillow is a versatile, natural medical product, ideal for relieving pain and discomfort for the whole family.

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