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Dinosaurs Púsl 7+


Dinosaurs Púsl 7+

4.950 ISK
4.950 ISK
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Dinosaurs Risaeðlupúsl fyrir 7+ ára 

🧩Skemmtilegt og vandað púsl fyrir hugrakka krakka!

🧩Settið inniheldur 200 stykki. Stærð 68x48cm.  

🧩Fullkomin afmælis- eða jólagjöf!

Puzzlozaurus Rex rules!

This huge puzzle consists of 200 pieces and depicts a variety of dinosaurs and other famous and lesser-known prehistoric reptiles from the Cretaceous period. It’s a great gift idea not only for curious (prehistorical) world explorers and future paleontologists. It’s also a great way to spend time relaxing in the company of your favorite people.

Set contains 200 pieces.

Product dimensions

Completed puzzle measures 48×68 cm/ 19×26.8”

Packaging dimensions

16.5×19×11 cm/ 6.5×7.75×4.4”

GRRR! Puzzlove Dinosaurs is a great gift idea for dinosaur lovers and a puzzle challenge for younger assemblers. Assemble them as you like: for relaxation, with family and friends, or alone. Do you know all the dinosaurs and other reptiles from the illustration? Let the pictures inspire you to draw, reach for books about dinosaurs, and other pleasures.

  • It helps children learn about dinosaurs.
  • The puzzle features a variety of different dinosaur breeds, so children can learn about their appearance, names, and behaviors.
  • It develops fine motor skills.
  • The puzzle pieces require children to use their fingers and hands to manipulate them, which helps to strengthen their fine motor skills.
  • Challenges problem-solving skills.
  • The puzzle is challenging enough to keep children engaged, but not so difficult that they become frustrated.
  • Encourages creativity.
  • The assembled illustration provides a great starting point for creative activities, such as drawing, writing stories, or playing pretend.
  • If you are looking for a fun and educational way to help your child learn about dinosaurs, the Puzzlove Dinosaurs is a great choice.

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