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Einföld þráðlaus & handfrjáls Brjóstapumpa - Neno Sole


Einföld þráðlaus & handfrjáls Brjóstapumpa - Neno Sole

22.990 ISK
22.990 ISK
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Einföld þráðlaus & handfrjáls Brjóstapumpa - Neno Sole

The Neno Sole has been designed with the hands-free concept in mind. The portable and lightweight pastel-coloured breast pump fits into the cup of a nursing bra and is completely wireless. It has a small pump with a clear control panel and a large collection cup that holds up to 210ml of milk. Efficient pumping is possible thanks to the three-phase action and the ergonomic breast shield, which can be reduced from 24 mm to 20 mm

3 phase - stimulation, deep expression & let-down mixed

  • Ergonomic Touch Panel
  • Light Silicone Breast Shield
  • Portable breast shield reductor 20mm
  • Amount of stimulation phases: 8
  • Amount of deep expresion phases: 8
  • Amount of mixed phases: 8
  • Charging time: approximately 2.5 hours
  • Operating time: up to 150 minutes
  • Automatic power-off: after 30 minutes
  • Package contents: pumping device, USB type C cable, silicone breast shield 24 mm, breast shield reductor 20 mm, milk container 210 ml, 2×suction bowl, 2×valve, user manual, breast pump connector, velvet pouch
  • Weight: 271 g

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  • Hröð heimsending

    Við gerum okkar besta til að koma öllum sendingum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til skila og landsbyggðarpöntunum í póst eða hafa pantanir tilbúnar til afhendingar innan 24 klukkustunda frá pöntun.

  • Fair Trade

    Það er okkur mikilvægt að vita hvaðan vörurnar okkar koma. Við erum stolt af því að bjóða barnavörur og fatnað frá fyrirtækjum sem starfa samkvæmt góðum siðferðislegum gildum. Verslun okkar býður upp á vandaðar vörur sem allar eru hannaðar og framleiddar í Evrópu.