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3.650 ISK
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High Contrast Baby Cards 0+ 3+ mánaða
Set contains:
Product dimensions:
Each card measures: 16×16cm/ 6.3×6.3”
Packaging dimensions:
Box: 16.5×19×5cm/6.5×7.75×2”
At birth, sight is still underdeveloped. At first babies see clear, high-contrast patterns best, and the ability to distinguish image details and colors gradually develops over the following months. That’s why babies like contrasts so much. Parents can hang a booklet or individual cards by the bed or stroller, or create an effective garland. A lot of interesting and practical information about the development of babies and how to have fun together can be found in the guide attached to the set.
The product box contains a handy 24-page booklet for viewing, fastened with a paper string and a guide for parents that is full of ideas for creative fun.
NOTE: This product is intended as an educational tool to be shown to your baby. It is not a toy to be given to a child.
Set contains:
- 12 double-sided flashcards tied with a paper rope (24 illustrations)
- a guide for parents with creative games ideas
Product dimensions:
Each card measures: 16×16cm/ 6.3×6.3”
Packaging dimensions:
Box: 16.5×19×5cm/6.5×7.75×2”
Showing your baby educational cards:
- stimulates your baby’s brain develops concentration
- focuses and strengthens baby’s eye muscles
- helps to build visual and spatial awareness
- Play between parent and child builds a closer bond, helps baby to learn about the world and prepares them to learn speech
- Extra-large cards are made of high-quality, thick cardboard, convenient for parents
- The handy, medium-sized box with a practical, sturdy handle makes it a great gift
At birth, sight is still underdeveloped. At first babies see clear, high-contrast patterns best, and the ability to distinguish image details and colors gradually develops over the following months. That’s why babies like contrasts so much. Parents can hang a booklet or individual cards by the bed or stroller, or create an effective garland. A lot of interesting and practical information about the development of babies and how to have fun together can be found in the guide attached to the set.
The product box contains a handy 24-page booklet for viewing, fastened with a paper string and a guide for parents that is full of ideas for creative fun.
NOTE: This product is intended as an educational tool to be shown to your baby. It is not a toy to be given to a child.

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