Canpol babies
High Contrast Sensory Mirror with Interactive Elements
High Contrast Sensory Mirror with Interactive Elements
High Contrast Sensory Mirror with Interactive Elements
A sensory mirror with interactive elements keeps your baby entertained at home, while spending time outdoors or during long car journeys. The contrasting colours, which newborns can see first, stimulate their eyesight. Rustling elements, a teether, squeaker, mirror and rattle making a gentle sound are interesting to a baby exploring the world. The sensory elements promote development of baby's senses of vision, hearing and touch, while training cognitive and motor skills. A convenient plastic clip attaches the toy to a cot, pram, carrier, rocker or car seat.
A Canpol babies sensory mirror from the BabiesBoo collection is made of soft, plush materials with different fabric textures, offering a sensory experience. The teether attached to the ribbon is a pain reliever for the baby during a teething period.
The sensory mirror with interactive elements from Canpol is ideal from newborn's first weeks of life. Recommended by a physiotherapist.

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