Humming Bunny with a functional clip - Gray
Humming Bunny with a functional clip is a clever, handy sleep aid used to safely accompany the little ones from the first days of life. Because of its small size and functional clip, you can take it with you on every trip. You can easily attach it onto a car seat, pram handle ensuring your baby sleeps healthily at any time.
The noise device inside the toy emits a safe pink noise for 40 minutes. The sound resembles the one baby remembers from the mother’s womb and makes them fall asleep easier.
Thanks to the “Soft Start / Soft Stop” function, pink noise gently and gradually turns on and off. The noise volume can be adjusted according to your child’s needs.
Functional clips and small toy sizes make The Humming Bear / Bunny a perfect companion for any trip, you can easily attach it to anything without fear of getting it lost. Whisbear sleep aids have passed toy safety tests and are suitable for children from the first day of life. Such a friend will stay with you for years!
- Toy: 13 x 8 x 2.5 cm
- Ribbon with clip: 15.5 cm
- Soundbox: 7 x 2.3 cm
- Packaging: 23 x 17.5 x 3 cm
- Weight: 0.175 kg
Whisbear products are the first sleep aids in Poland to receive a positive opinion of the Institute of Mother and Child for children with difficulty in falling asleep. The Institute inspects the products for general safety, health and development. Both WHISBEAR soft toys and devices are tested and certified in accordance with safety standards applicable at various global markets, including the European and USA ones. Tests are provided by the following certification bodies: TÜV Rheinland, CTT, J.S. Hamilton, UL Underwriters Laboratories, Institute of Communications and Komag.
We have full confidence in Whisbear’s top quality, therefore we offer a lifetime guarantee. Simply register the product at www.forever.whisbear.com
- After removing the soundbox, the toy can be washed. Due to the clip, it is recommended to hand wash it only.
- Three AAA batteries are needed to operate the sleep aid. Batteries are not included with the purchased product.
- Please read the instructions before use.

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