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Humming Sloth with CRYsensor

Humming Sloth with CRYsensor

9.990 ISK
9.990 ISK
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Humming Sloth with CRYsensor

The Humming Sloth with CRYsensor from Whisbear is baby’s first friend that will stay with him for years. It makes falling asleep easier by emitting a pleasant pink noise that every baby will love and recognizes from the womb. Cuddly toy created for peaceful sleep and healthy development of your child. 

Thanks to the secure magnets placed in the sloth’s paws, it can be conveniently attached to the frame of a crib or baby stroller. The Humming Sloth is hand-made from the top-quality, soft, certified textiles. It is also a sensory toy that supports sensory development of your baby – thanks to its contrasting colors, textiles with versitile texture and rustling elements in the paws.

Beautifully packed in a gift box. 

CRYsensor means “cry detector”.

The CRYsensor or “cry detector” function is an intelligent innovation developed for sudden awakenings of babies. The Humming Sloth automatically responds with a calming pink noise when the baby wakes up. The sound activates as soon as the sensor recognizes the baby’s cry.

The device gently mutes after 40 minutes of humming by going into standby mode. This is enough time for the infant to fall asleep peacefully. Baby’s crying or unexpected sounds restart the device for another 20 minutes. It is possible to manually turn the toy off and on again. The Humming Sloth comes with a one-button operated device. You can adjust the volume of the noise to reduce possible background sounds.

Pink noise

The Humming Sloth emits a pink noise that reminds a baby of the friendly sounds from mom’s belly, specifically the sound of fetal waters. It is the pink noise that is considered the most effective and, importantly, completely safe for baby. The mechanism is enclosed safely inside the toy without fear that the baby could remove it.

Safety guarantee and research

Whisbear toys were the first humming toys in our country to receive a Positive Opinion from the Institute of Mother and Child, as products aimed at children with sleeping difficulties. The Institute verifies the products for general safety, health and developmental safety every time.

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