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Húsrúm Coco Natural


Húsrúm Coco Natural

89.900 ISK
89.900 ISK
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Húsrúm Coco Natural

FORPÖNTUN - Vinsamlega athugið að Luletto rúm eru ekki til á lager hjá okkur og það þarf alltaf að forpanta rúm og dýnur. 

Núna tökum við reglulega á móti sendingum frá Luletto svo er hægt að panta rúm hvenær sem er en gera má ráð fyrir 4-8 vikna afgreiðslutíma.

Næsta sending í 2025 - það er hægt að panta á vefsíðunni okkar til og með 3. mars (eða kíkja til okkar í Ármúla 34 og panta í versluninni) og fá rúmið afhent í byrjun apríl.

Ef þú ert með einhverjar spurningar eða finnur ekki réttu stærðina eða
tegundina af rúmi í vöruúrvalinu á heimasiðunni hafðu þá endilega samband við okkur í netfangið polka@polka.is eða með því að hringja í 778 5310 og við skoðum hvað hægt er að gera.

COCO WITH FENCE RAIL is a bed in a characteristic shape of a roof with little fence rails, in a Scandinavian style. Buying the COCO WITH FENCE BED RAIL you get a complete bed frame with a base for a mattress, vertical beams, elements of a roof and the set of rails presented in the photos. You also get all the elements to assemble a bed, screws and water based glue (essential in assembly process to glue the bed elements together where they are jointed with wooden pegs.)

This model is available in size (sizes of the mattress) 160/80cm, 190/90cm and 200/100cm, in natural colour. The natural wood version is the non-treated (unprotected) wood option.

Total size of the bed frame (length and width) is 169/89cm. 199/99cm or 209/109cm. 

MATERIAL:   Beds are made of high quality pine plywood, 1st class. Plywood is more resilient than solid wood, it does not crack and is free of defects (knots). All the elements are hand or mechanically sanded, they are smooth and their edges are rounded.

BED BASE: A bed base is included in a price, it consists of resilient slats that are not connected. Each slat has to be screwed to the bed frame, necessary screws are included.

DIMENSIONS for a bed with the height of the bed legs 1cm or 10cm are as follows:

Height of (higher) vertical beams to the roof is 100 cm. Height of (shorter) vertical beams is 68,2 cm.

The total height of the COCO WITH FENCE RAIL model depends on the length of the chosen bed:

a bed 160 cm long:

  • a short element of the roof is 77,4 cm,
  • a long element of the roof is 131,1 cm,
  • a total height of the bed in the highest point is 145,5 cm

a bed 190 cm long:

  • a short element of the roof is 96 cm,
  • a long element of the roof is 150,1 cm,
  • a total height of the bed in the highest point is 156,5 cm

a bed 200 cm long:

  • a short element of the roof is 102,2 cm,
  • a long element of the roof is 156,3 cm,
  • a total height of the bed in the highest point is 160 cm

DIMENSIONS for a bed with the option of storage drawer or drawer with sleeping function are as follows:

A standard height of bed legs for a version with the drawer is 19.5 cm. Height of (higher) vertical beams to the roof is 110 cm. Height of (shorter) vertical beams is 78,2 cm.

The total height of the COCO WITH FENCE RAIL and a drawer option model depends on the length of the chosen bed:

a bed 160 cm long:

  • a short element of the roof is 77,4 cm,
  • a long element of the roof is 131,1 cm,
  • a total height of the bed in the highest point is 155,5 cm

a bed 190 cm long:

  • a short element of the roof is 96 cm,
  • a long element of the roof is 150,1 cm,
  • a total height of the bed in the highest point is 16
  • 166,5 cm

a bed 200 cm long:

  • a short element of the roof is 102,2 cm,
  • a long element of the roof is 156,3 cm,
  • a total height of the bed in the highest point is 170 cm

The total height of the rails from the bed frame in all models is about 30 cm. The spaces between the bars are about 5 cm wide.

COCO WITH FENCE RAIL is equipped with a front rail that is 1/2 of the bed length and can be removed. It should always be assembled starting from the shorter vertical beam, the entry is always situated next to the longer vertical beam. Duo model has the entrance in the middle (removable rail).  


The price does not include the mattress. We recommend a 9-12 cm thick bed mattress.

OPTION WITH STORAGE DRAWER/DRAWERS -  If you choose the length 160/80cm, in standard you get ONE DRAWER. If you choose the length 190/90cm, in standard you get TWO DRAWERS. If you want ONE DRAWER only for the bigger size of the bed –please, don’t forget to include this information while making your order.

OPTION WITH DRAWER WITH SLEEPING FUNCTION - Please note that the mattress for the drawer must be 10 cm shorter! For example, for a bed size of 190/90, the mattress for the drawer must be 180/90cm. The mattress for the drawer must have a maximum thickness of 9 cm.


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