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Koppur - Neno Pipi Pink


Koppur - Neno Pipi Pink

10.990 ISK
10.990 ISK
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Koppur - Neno Pipi Pink

Neno Pipi is a functional and aesthetic potty with a non-slip base. The accessory has been designed so that its use is comfortable for both the child and the parents. The soft seat, high backrest and armrests provide the child with comfort while using and easier getting up. Another important element is a removable insert that allows quick emptying and a practical handle that makes it easy to move the potty from one room to another.

From the 18th month - Is it time for your child to take the next step towards independence? Then reach for the NENO Pipi! The functional potty is an indispensable helper in the weaning phase.

Two colours to choose from – the product is available in two enchanting colours, so you can adapt it to your preferences and your bathroom decor.

Features of the product - 

  • Easy to clean – the NENO pipi has been designed to make cleaning easy and intuitive during use. Thanks to its smooth surface without corners and edges, you only need a moment to clean the potty after each use.
  • Removable insert with handle – thanks to the practical potty insert, emptying the potty takes only seconds. Simply take out the insert, pour out the contents, wash it and let it dry.
  • Lid included – the included lid protects the clean insert from dirt and ensures discreet storage.
  • Non-slip base: the safety of your child is our priority. That's why the NENO Pipi is equipped with a non-slip base that prevents the potty from tipping over.
  • Carry handle – with the handle on the back, you can easily carry the potty from place to place. Now you can take the NENO Pipi potty with you on holiday or to grandparents and create a comfortable environment for your little one.
  • High back rest – the high backrest is an important part of the design. It gives your child the feeling of stability and safety when using the potty.
  • Soft seat – The soft seat ensures that your child feels comfortable and relaxed, which is the key to a positive experience when learning the potty.
  • Modern design – The NENO Pipi potty is a functional accessory and an elegant piece of bathroom equipment, whose modern design fits perfectly into any decor.

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