Loftbelgur S - White/Light Gray
Fallegur loftbelgur sem skraut í barnaherbergið.
Decorative Air Balloon White/Light Gray in size S from Super Balloon. Take your child’s room to another level with these Decorative “Floating” Air Balloons from Super Balloon.
Incredibly lightweight and easy to install, the Air Balloons will add a sense of adventure to any room. Whether it’s a nursery, playroom or big kid’s room you’ll love how these decorative air balloons will transform the space and be a real talking point.
How to use it - simply inflate the balloon with a hand pump to fill it evenly and hang it up using the fishing line attached. Each balloon contains the fishing line with adhesive plastic hook that can be glued onto the ceiling.
The decorative Air Balloons from Super Balloon are handmade in Poland. They look incredible as pairs or trios of differing sizes or on their own as a standalone feature and absolutely suitable for both boys and girls.
Available in 3 sizes (colour range may vary depending on the size).
Small - 28 cm x 16 cm.
Medium - 33 cm x 20 cm.
Large - 50 cm x 30 cm. Balloons in size L have ballasts at the gondolas.
Material: polyester, robes - cotton, gondolas - stained wood.
Super Balloon is a Polish based brand, that make the most dreamy air balloons that are the perfect wall decoration in the nursery or kids room. Folded by hand with great care gives balloon its own character. The rich colors allow you to adjust the balloon to almost any type of interior. With the Super Balloon decorative balloons, you can create a fairytale arrangement in every nursery or kids room.

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