Looong Ocean Púsl fyrir 2+ ára
🧩Skemmtilegt og vandað púsl fyrir hugrakka krakka!
🧩Settið inniheldur 27 stykki. Stærð 98x33cm.
🧩Fullkomin afmælis- eða jólagjöf!
Dive into a colorful world of fascinating creatures. Find out if a whale is really that big and learn who is friends with the octopus. Do you know what kind of horse lives on the bottom of the sea?
This panoramic, 27-piece puzzle is for kids who dream of exploring the ocean depths. Extra thick, sturdy puzzle pieces are perfect for toddlers, while the vibrant and engaging illustration guarantee great fun.
- Arranging and assembling large puzzle pieces:
- trains perception and concentration
- promotes hand-eye coordination
- improves manual dexterity
- Jumbo puzzle pieces are made of high-quality, thick cardboard, perfect for little hands
- The handy, keepsake box with a practical, sturdy handle makes it a great gift.
Set contains:
- 27 large pieces
- Piece size: roughly 11x11cm/4.5×4.5”
Product dimensions:
Completed puzzle measures 98x33cm/38.5×13”
Packaging dimensions:
Hröð heimsending
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Fair Trade
Það er okkur mikilvægt að vita hvaðan vörurnar okkar koma. Við erum stolt af því að bjóða barnavörur og fatnað frá fyrirtækjum sem starfa samkvæmt góðum siðferðislegum gildum. Verslun okkar býður upp á vandaðar vörur sem allar eru hannaðar og framleiddar í Evrópu.