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LOVI Dynamic Sílikon Snuð - Stardust Violet 2 í boxi

LOVI Dynamic Sílikon Snuð - Stardust Violet 2 í boxi

1.990 ISK
1.990 ISK
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LOVI Dynamic Sílikon Snuð - Stardust Violet 2 í boxi

Stærðir 0-3, 3-6, 6-18 & 18+ mánaða

LOVI Silicone Dynamic Soother® designed with the help of neurologopedists. Unique design: made of non-homogeneous silicone layer, which enables shrinking and expanding with the baby’s suckling motions; symmetrical shape of the teat is based on the nipple’s structure. Does not disturb the suckling reflex and natural development of speech and bite patterns. Its contoured shape enables the child to breathe easily through the nose; safe materials do not include bisphenol A. Enables free flow of air and prevents the baby skin from irritating.

Product details:
  • unique Stardust Collection
  • consistent colors of bottles and soothers
  • does not disturb the suckling reflex
  • prevents the teat chewing reflex
  • enables free breathing and swallowing of saliva
  • does not disturb the natural development of speech and occlusion provided that the orthodontic and logopedic recommendations are followed
- LOVI Dynamic Soother (2 pcs)
- capsule for hygienic soother storage
      0-3m BPA-free

      Pouring boiling waterPouring boiling water 


          Not for use in the microwaveNot for use in the microwave
            Do not wash in the dishwasherDo not wash in the dishwasher

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