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Floss & Rock
4.950 ISK
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Magnetic Play Scenes - Pets
Our Pets Magnetic Play Scene features 2 interchangeable backdrops and over 50 magnetic play pieces. This will keep little ones imaginations running wild, creating fun stories with pets with personality! Play with a terrific tortoise, cool cat, funny hamster, 'super dog' and many more. With a handy drawer to store the spare scene and play pieces and a fold down box lid. This makes the perfect game for home, or play on the move. Being magnetic there's no danger of losing any pieces!FEATURES:
Fully Magnetic
Decorative box which double as part of the game.
2 interchangeable scenes.
Over 50 magnetic play pieces.
Encourages imaginative play.
Handy drawer for storage.
Perfect for play 'on the go'
Recommended for age 3+
Printed with soy inks
Made from recycled materials
DIMENSIONS: 22cm x 30cm
Recommended Age: 3+
Made by Floss & Rock, UK.

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