Make-a-Match Brunabíll Púsl fyrir 2+ ára
🧩Skemmtilegt og vandað púsl fyrir hugrakka krakka!
🧩Settið inniheldur 23 stykki. Stærð 98x33cm.
🧩Fullkomin afmælis- eða jólagjöf!
Ready, Set, Go!
This 23-piece educational puzzle engages children in two steps of creative fun. First, kids assemble the jumbo pieces to form a large (over 3 feet long) vehicle, and then they learn about various shapes by placing the various included objects into the assembled layout. But the fun doesn’t end there! Round pieces can be mixed and matched freely, so you decide who’s driving!
The illustrations and product format have been adapted for young learners. While playing with these puzzles, children will learn to distinguish between various shapes, discover new words, and develop their imagination and fine motor skills.
- Helps young explorers learn about shapes and new words
- Mixing and matching round pieces boosts creativity and imagination
- Helps develop motor skills, spatial imagination and visual perception
- Jumbo puzzle pieces made of high-quality, thick cardboard are perfect for little hands
- The large, keepsake box with a practical handle makes it a great gift.
Set contains:
- 23 large pieces
- Piece size: roughly 16,5×16,5cm/ 6.5×6.5”
Product dimensions:
Completed puzzle measures 98x33cm/ 38.5×13”
Packaging dimensions:

Hröð heimsending
Við gerum okkar besta til að koma öllum sendingum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til skila og landsbyggðarpöntunum í póst eða hafa pantanir tilbúnar til afhendingar innan 24 klukkustunda frá pöntun.
Fair Trade
Það er okkur mikilvægt að vita hvaðan vörurnar okkar koma. Við erum stolt af því að bjóða barnavörur og fatnað frá fyrirtækjum sem starfa samkvæmt góðum siðferðislegum gildum. Verslun okkar býður upp á vandaðar vörur sem allar eru hannaðar og framleiddar í Evrópu.