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Merino Teppi - YOSOY Light Pink

Merino Teppi - YOSOY Light Pink

11.893 ISK
16.990 ISK 11.893 ISK
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Merino Teppi - YOSOY Light Pink

The highest quality Merino blanket made of 100% natural merino wool. It is characterized by unique softness and fluffiness. It has hygroscopic properties, thanks to which it helps to maintain optimal body temperature, and hypoallergenic, so it does not irritate the baby's delicate skin. It will be perfect all year round. 

Dimensions: 85 x 100 cm (+/- 2 cm).

Composition: 100% Merino wool.

Washing: gentle hand washing and rinsing in lukewarm water is recommended. For washing, use high-quality liquids intended for washing wool, e.g. Perwool liquid. Dry flat and avoid sources of intense heat, such as radiators. Remember, merino does not require frequent washing.

Merino wool needs less washing than other fabrics. Its natural fibers are not an environment conducive to the development of bacteria.

Merino has self-cleaning properties and does not absorb odors. Merino blankets are often enough to ventilate to regain almost complete freshness.

Manufacturer: YOSOY

Made in Poland. The highest quality product, yarn of Italian origin.

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