Canpol babies
Mjúk Bók - High Contrast Sensory Soft Activity Book XL - Panda & Friends
Mjúk Bók - High Contrast Sensory Soft Activity Book XL - Panda & Friends
Mjúk Bók - High Contrast Sensory Soft Activity Book XL - Panda & Friends
Canpol babies sensory book is the perfect first reading for a baby. It stimulates child's imagination, creativity and curiosity, supports child's natural development by activating the sense of sight, touch and hearing, and supports the training of manual skills and hand-eye coordination. It is also a great way to instill a love of books in your little one.
Sensory book has many elements that attract the child's attention, creates unlimited play and supports the parent in playing with the child, thanks to nice faces in the form of a mask. The book is fastened with velcro and is completely safe for the child.
The colorful pictures are great for storytelling and encourage the baby to name everyday activities when it starts to talk.
Canpol babies sensory book is a great way to spend quality time with your child and deepen the parent-child bond. Canpol babies sensory activity book BabiesBoo will be your baby's favorite toy.
Sensory books are recommended by both physiotherapists and child psychologists for the proper development of the child's senses and physical exercises for infants and older children.

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