Mjúkt Leikfang - Interactive Sensory Toy - BabiesBoo Panda
Mjúkt Leikfang - Interactive Sensory Toy - BabiesBoo Panda
Mjúkt Leikfang - Interactive Sensory Toy - BabiesBoo Panda
Canpol babies interactive sensory toy BabiesBoo Panda will be a great companion for walks and travels. It has a convenient clip that allows it to attach to a baby stroller, car seat, cot.
Additional rustling elements, a teether, a mirror and softly ringing rattle are interesting for the child in the time of learning about the world.
The panda was made of soft and nice materials, but in such a way that the variety of textures ensure sensory experiences and the child learns through touch sensitivity to various structures.
Contrasting colors and patterns support the proper development of the baby's sense of sight.
Canpol babies interactive sensory toy will accompany your baby in everyday adventures from the first day of life and they will discover the world together. Friendly Canpol babies interactive sensory toy Panda will entertain, teach and relax – it is a perfect companion for everyday plays, walks and travels.
Can be used from the moment of birth
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