Canpol babies
Music box and projector 3in1 - Baby Deer Brown Blue
Music box and projector 3in1 - Baby Deer Brown Blue
Music box and projector 3in1 - Baby Deer Brown Blue
Baby Deer with music box and projector 3in1 is a perfect companion for baby's sleep. Soft plush toy with a mechanism hidden in the tummy, which is displaying colorful stars and playing relaxing melodies will calm the baby down and make to fall asleep easier for the baby .
The plush toy works in 3 operating modes. It can emit melodies and light projections from the tummy, only melodies or only delicate lights, thus working as a night lamp. You can choose from 12 soothing melodies, including the delicate sounds of nature, birds singing and heartbeat, and the ability to set 5 volume levels, depending on the baby's preferences.
After 30 minutes, the toy will automatically turn off. It's the perfect gift from the very birth.
Product free of Bisphenol A
Can be used from the moment of birth
Max washing temperature 30°

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