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My First Cutlery Hnífaparasett - Vanilla

My First Cutlery Hnífaparasett - Vanilla

2.450 ISK
2.450 ISK
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My First Cutlery Hnífaparasett - Vanilla 

100% plant-based biodegradable material 🌱

My first cutlery is for little ones who are just transitioning into learning to feed themselves independently. if your little one is ready for the next step to becoming an eating master this set is the perfect first cutlery!

This set includes

    • 1x fork
    • 1x spoon
    • a no mess canvas carry pouch with an easy to clean inner coating

Rounded handles perfectly shaped for little hands to easily grasp. Ideal weight for little ones to learn balance and control while guiding delicious bites to their mouths. The anti-slip notch helps keep cutlery on the edge of bowls or plates instead of making a mess in your little one’s food. Earth and family safe biodegradable material. Dishwasher safe and easy to clean.


My first cutlery: plant based biodegradable and petroleum free PLA
Canvas carry pouch: natural cotton with food grade TPU inner liner

Product Dimension (cm) / Weight / Volume:

    • Fork - 13x 13 / 23(g)
    • Spoon - 13.4x 3.2 / 21(g)

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  • Hröð heimsending

    Við gerum okkar besta til að koma öllum sendingum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til skila og landsbyggðarpöntunum í póst eða hafa pantanir tilbúnar til afhendingar innan 24 klukkustunda frá pöntun.

  • Fair Trade

    Það er okkur mikilvægt að vita hvaðan vörurnar okkar koma. Við erum stolt af því að bjóða barnavörur og fatnað frá fyrirtækjum sem starfa samkvæmt góðum siðferðislegum gildum. Verslun okkar býður upp á vandaðar vörur sem allar eru hannaðar og framleiddar í Evrópu.