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Nebuliser - Neno Vapore

Nebuliser - Neno Vapore

14.950 ISK
14.950 ISK
ÚTSALA Vara væntanleg
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Neno Vapore portable mesh nebulizer

Faranlegur eimgjafi, möskva innöndunartæki fyrir ungbörn frá 1 lífsdegi, börn og fullorðna.

Neno Vapore er hljóðlaus eimgjafi. Tilvalið fyrir saltlaus og olíulaus lyf.

Tækið er ætlað til notkunar með fljótandi efnum, lausnum. Það er ekki ætlað til notkunar með olíukenndum efnum og sviflausnum. Fullkomið fyrir saltvatn.

Áður en þú notar valið lyf skaltu athuga með lækninum, lyfjafræðingi eða framleiðanda efnablöndunnar hvort það henti til notkunar í himnu (mesh) eimgjafa.

The cordless, silent and compact nebulizer is ideal for use by the whole family. The medical device allows you to adjust the intensity of the nebulisation by selecting the speed (3 levels). Three masks and a mouthpiece are included, making it suitable for users of all ages. The nebuliser produces particles with an MMAD of less than 5µm and has a high respirable fraction of 65%, meaning that the medication is adequately absorbed in the lower airways. What’s more, it is easy to use and lightweight, making it ideal for use at home or when travelling,

The Neno Vapore is equipped with three masks of different sizes: for newborns, children and adults. This ensures that anyone of any age can benefit from the device. A mouthpiece is also included for more effective nebulization.


The effectiveness of inhalation depends on the particle size of the drug. Neno Vapore produces particles with an MMAD of < 5μm so that the drug reaches deep into the lower airways.


The inhaler allows you to nebulise in two ways (using a mask or mouthpiece), giving you the freedom to tailor your therapy to your personal needs. This choice allows you to fit your therapy around your lifestyle.


The Neno Vapore works extremely quietly, so that inhaling at night will not disturb the sleep of the rest of the household. It is the perfect solution for those who value peace and quiet.


Thanks to the 6 ml medication container, nebulisation can be carried out without frequent refilling. This saves time and ensures continuity of therapy.


The included cable makes it easy to charge the Neno Vapore wherever you are.


Neno Vapore is a synonym for mobility. It’s light, compact and portable. Throw it in your bag and have it handy!


The Neno Vapore is an invaluable aid when travelling. It comes with a handy case for safe storage and transport in a suitcase or backpack.

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