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1.950 ISK
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Neno Peli með túttu 150ml
Neno Bottle 150ml is a safe baby feeding bottle that can be used to feed children from their very first days. The teat and bottle are safe to newborns.
Fits all Neno breast pumps
All Neno brand breast pumps were designed to use bottles of the same size – and those bottles are all Neno Bottle 150. Future devices from this brand are also designed with that bottle size in mind.
Soft silicone teat
The delicate, soft material that the teat is made out of makes sucking food out of the bottle nice and easy for the child.
The teats of Neno Bottle 150 baby bottles were designed with the health of your child in mind. The teat is shaped to fit the baby’s mouth so that they don’t swallow any air when eating. Colic is one of the most common causes of baby tears and crying.

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