Peli með túttu - LOVI Bottle Mammafeel 150ml
Innovative Mammafeel bottle that resembles mum's breast as much as possible in terms of colour, shape, warmth and dynamics. Beautiful design!
The set includes:
- bottle - capacity 150ml
- dynamic feeding teat 0m+
- cap
- cup
Mammafeel bottle considers all sensations of a child used to suckling, such as:
-touch of mum’ breast,
- warmth and velvety of the skin,
- familiar shape and colour,
- as well as softness and elasticity of the breast.
Dynamic teat in Mammafeel bottle not only imitates the closeness and natural suckling from the breast as much as possible, but at the same time does not to disturb the suckling reflex, so a baby can return freely to suckling mum's breast.
Made in EU.
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