SHARON dýna 160x80 (latex foam mattress).
FORPÖNTUN - Vegna mikillar eftirspurnar og beiðna verður nú opið fyrir pantanir á Luletto rúmum og dýnum að staðaldri. Pantanir sem berast fyrir 20. hvers mánaðar koma að jafnaði innan 3 til 5 vikna.
Pantanir sem berast frá deginum í dag og fram til 25. ágúst koma í kringum 11. til 18. september.
Ef þú ert með einhverjar spurningar ekki hika við að hafa samband á / s. 778 5310.
The SHARON model is profiled foam combined with latex foam to provide the sleeper with a high level of sleeping comfort. The mattress is designed especially for people with hyperhidrosis or skin problems.
Polyurethane foam is a high-quality component used in the manufacture of mattresses, and its resilience and elasticity provides maximum comfort during use.
Latex foam is exceptionally elastic in its structure, and thanks to perforation it perfectly discharges moisture and ensures excellent air circulation. It forms a layer that adapts perfectly to the shape of the body.
It has rehabilitation, sore prevention and anti-sweat properties. It reduces the growth of molds, fungi and mites.
The design of the mattress is particularly suitable for the youngest ones, due to perfect ventilation and feeling of coziness.
The SHARON model is durable and provides long-lasting comfort of use.
Mattress hardness: H2 medium soft
Mattress thickness: 12 cm
The mattress is composed of:
polyurethane foam: 9 cm
latex foam: 3 cm.
The cover is made of the highest quality material, providing comfort and softness.
The cover, thanks to lined fluffy fleece, has thermal properties, absorbs UV rays and ensures proper ventilation and air flow in the mattress.
It protects against penetration of contamination into the mattress, as well as against bacteria, fungi, mold and dust mites.
The cover has a sewn-in zip fastener, which allows it to be easily removed for washing.
Cover properties: Breathable, soft to the touch, dirt-repellent, ensures proper ventilation, washable at 40 °C.
Hröð heimsending
Við gerum okkar besta til að koma öllum sendingum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu til skila og landsbyggðarpöntunum í póst eða hafa pantanir tilbúnar til afhendingar innan 24 klukkustunda frá pöntun.
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